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Importance of Marriage in Islam

Importance of Marriage in Islam

Marriage in Islam, Importance of Marriage in Islam and Marriage in Pakistan

Importance of Marriage in Islam, Preaching of Marriage in Islam and Marriage in Pakistan: Court marriage and online marriage or online nikah

Marriage in Islam, Importance of Marriage in Islam and Marriage in Pakistan: These topics are discussed here. Court marriage and online marriage or online nikah is also a rising topic and needed attention.

Marriage has Existed since the Dawn of Time

Historically, marriage has been a social institution dating back as far as mankind itself. In legal terms, a matrimonial union is a relationship that is recognized by law or custom, and it entails rights and obligations for the parents and their children. Therefore, marriage has two main functions for human society, namely it regulates sex relations within society, and it governs the responsibilities of a child within society.

Importance of Marriage in Islam and Marriage in Pakistan. Court marriage and online marriage or online nikah, Nikah online in Pakistan

Marriage is Celebrated Differently in Different Cultures

As cultures and ages differ, so do marriage rituals and ceremonies. Regardless of where one marries, these two functions are common. In terms of rights, it implies both the right to engage in sexual activity as permitted and recognized by society, as well as the responsibility parents have to raise their children.

Islamic society recognizes and embraces this institution as the core of human society after purging it of all the evils that had penetrated it.

Islam view Marriage as a Combination of Duties and Responsibilities

Islam views marriage not solely as a sexual union, but rather as a social contract with obligations and responsibilities. As per the Divine Faith, a woman is not an object to be manipulated by man, but rather a highly spiritual, moral being entrusted to him under an obligation to which Allah testifies. The wife’s role is not to provide sensual pleasure to the man alone, but to work closely with him in a way that benefits the family as a whole.

The Quranic Sayings on Marriage

The Holy Qur’an mentions the different purposes of marriage in so many verses: “And of His signs is that He has created wives for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of wind in them, and He put between you love and affection” ((Noble Quran 30:21). According to this verse, the female is not inferior to the male in the sense that the former is created from a superior material while the latter is of base origin.

Islam views Marriage as a Union of Souls

Woman and man are both progeny of Adam and thus possess the same soul. As a result, marriage is the union of two souls, one in essence, according to the Holy Qur’an. Marriage brings them close to each other emotionally, physically, and mentally and changes their separate existence into the natural state.

Islamic view of marriage combines spirituality and morality

It is the fate of man and woman to share the grace of life, and unless there is a very close and intimate relationship in them, they cannot fully enjoy it. “He is Who created you from a single soul, and of the same did He make his spouse, that he might find comfort in her” (Noble Quran 7:189)). The word “comfort” implies so much more than mere sexual satisfaction. In Islam, the whole conception of the marriage relationship is charged with spiritual and moral ideas, and must therefore elevate the status of marriage in the individual and social spheres.

Islam encourages its followers to marry

In Islam, the union of sexes has been purified and the joy of the marriage relationship protected by the ban on extra-marriage relationships. Islam and the Holy Qur’an urge their followers to marry since it is the most effective method of living a virtuous life free from immorality and inhibition. According to the Holy Qur’an: “They (your wives) are as a garment to you, and you are as a garment to them” (Noble Quran 2:187). This beautiful description of the relationship between husband and wife can’t be surpassed. Here is the most accurate description of the two. The husband and wife are for mutual support, mutual comfort and mutual protection, and fit into each other as garments fit into each other.

For more information on marriages in Islam, the Importance of marriage in Islam and marriage in Pakistan, Court marriage and online marriage or online nikah, please visit.

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